Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yorktown, Virginia

I've been lacking in keeping up with my blog!  We are now in Wauchula, Florida, where we will be until February 1, 2014.  We were in Yorktown November 2, which feels like a lifetime ago!  I must say since arriving in Florida, we have been taking it easy and enjoying it very much.


The surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington on October 19, 1781, in Yorktown, Virginia, effectively ended the American Revolution although fighting continued for another year.  Yorktown also was important during the Civil War as a major port to supply towns in the north and south, it just depended on who was in control of Yorktown at the time.

Grace Episcopal Church built in 1697

Cole Digges' house, he was a member of the Royal Governor's Council, a powerful and prestigious political position, for 24 years, until his death.

The Old Custom House, built in 1720

George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge over York River,

Yorktown Victory monument commemorates the allied victory over General Cornwallis.  The monument was authorized by the Continental Congress is 1781 but the monument wasn't built until 100 years later.

York River

York River

York River

Surrender Field

Cannons acutally used during the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. 

Cornwallis's army marched to this field and laid down their arms.  

Off to North Carolina. . . 

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