Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lake Placid, Florida, then on to the Everglades!

On the way home from our cruise, we stopped in Lake Placid, Florida, for a short time to view some of the 46 murals and other artwork around town.  In 1992, the Lake Placid Mural Society was founded to help bring the town back to life and to boost tourism.  A guide book tells the story behind each of the murals and the hidden object(s) to look for.  In 2013, Reader's Digest named Lake Placid, Florida, as America's Most Interesting town.

A few days after returning from our cruise, we headed south to Everglades National Park.  It had rained continuously for a couple of days and the lower campground, which was where we were parked, had gotten extremely soggy.  Several RV's needed tow trucks to pull them out.  The motorhome made it out without a problem but our Jeep was on the low side of the site and needed 4x4 to get out!

We did have a slight change of plans though.  While still on our cruise, Diana emailed us and wondered if we would like to watch our grandkids for a few days while they went on a cruise.  Of course I had to say yes.  Isabella and Stephen would stay with us while we were in Everglades National Park.  The only thing was, I came down with a cold the day after we returned from the cruise and it didn't get better.  So, the day after we got to Everglades and the day before the kids were to arrive, I took a trip to the hospital for treatment of acute bronchitis.  It was amazing how quickly I recuperated.  I hope Isabella and Stephen will always remember the time they spent with us in the Everglades, seeing the alligators and crocodiles, all the birds, and participating in the Junior Ranger program.


A well disguised garbage can in Lake Placid!

Another well disguised garbage can!

The history of oranges and how they get to market

And yet another garbage can


US-41, Tamiami Trail, is a 2-lane road through the northern part of the Everglades.  We saw numerous alligators as we traveled along but there was nowhere to pull over to take pictures.  We finally were able to stop at one of the Visitor's Centers where they have a boardwalk to view the gators (the picture above).

 Flamingo Campground

Sunset in Flamingo Campground

Our grandkids, Stephen and Isabella, joined us for five days.  It was so good to see them again!

Our first sighting of an American crocodile.  I had no idea crocodiles lived in the U.S. but they do, in Southern Florida.  Crocodiles are lighter in color than alligators and when their mouth is closed, all their teeth are visible.

How could I forget the visit from our friends, Richard and Janet, while in the Everglades.  Janet was the picture taker!  She takes as many pictures as I do!

River excursion in Everglades National Park

Wildlife was abundant in Everglades National Park

Isabella got to drive the boat!!!  

It got a bit windy crossing the lake

This croc was on the boat ramp.  While sunning themselves, if crocs get too hot, they will open their mouths to cool off.  I think he was waiting for a tasty morsel!

The Anhinga Trail must be a bird-lover's paradise as there so many different birds to view.  Plus, a lot of alligators.  With all the water around, we've been fortunate in that we haven't gotten too many mosquito bites

The most colorful bird I've seen

Before we left, Isabella was sworn in as a Junior Ranger!
Way to go, Isabella!!!

All too soon, it was time to take Isabella and Stephen back to Miami Airport to meet their parents for their trip home.  And we were off to spend a few days in St. Petersburg.

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